Belgrade Serbia

Belgrade Serbia2025-01-08T13:40:49+00:00

Write us

For all information regarding your dental treatment and examination, you can directly contact Dr Kuljači from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00 to the next telephone number +381 63 249 164. Dr Kuljača is available throughout the day on the mobile phone +381 63 249 164. Belgrade is located in the central European time zone GMT +1: 00.

Contact Information

Tel: + 381 11 2471 344

Cell: + 381 63 249 164

Kraljevačka 76, 11000 Belgrade


Work hour:

Monday – Friday

09:00-1:00AM 4:00-7:00PM


Only AM time


We do not work

About us

Dr. Kuljaca, has 30 years of experience and fluently speaks three world languages: English, German, and French. During the past few years Dr. Kuljaca has had many patients coming from west Europe and USA, mostly from Great Britain, Germany, France, Greece.

Our works